T Sport Bernau is delighted to be the first Goodyear FIA ETRC team to be awarded with the Two-Star level of the FIA Environmental Accreditation Programme for our efforts to reduce our impact on the environment!

The auditor confirmed that T Sport Bernau demonstrates a solid environmental performance for a FIA Two-Star accreditation. The commitments described in the Sustainability Policy and the shared package of various procedures, reports and routines indicate a strong motivation towards best practice within sustainability/environmental management.
T Sport Bernau collaborates closely with the team members, partners, suppliers and the championship promotor to make the team more sustainable.
We are committed to:
x monitor and reduce our CO2 footprint with particular focus on transportation / logistics, travel and of course, the running of our race truck,
x choose renewable energy and lower our usage,
x source local and environmentally friendly products and materials,
x communicate, educate and motivate team members, partners and suppliers,
x be compliant with relevant environmental regulatory requirements,
x reduce, reuse and recycle waste, and more.
We achieve all of this by using only the vehicles essentially needed, the upgrade from a Euro 3 to a Euro 6 tractor unit, smart route planning, joint travel with other teams, the use of 100% HVO fuel for our race truck, 100% green electric energy at our workshop, a rain water collection system to wash cars, the integration of newest technologies such as for example the use of the Varta AGM Batteries in our race trailer, waste recycling at the workshop and at the circuit, the use of environmentally friendly products, the support of local nature reservoirs and much more.
We strive to continue making even more changes in future based on the best and economically feasible technology available.
Our objectives are to:
x implement new technologies such as the use of an electric or hydrogen driven tractor unit to reduce our carbon footprint even more, latest by 2030.
x use a carbon emission calculating system to help manage our carbon footprint monitoring by 2025.
x reduce waste and increase waste recycling by a further 15 % in the next 2 years, with a special focus on waste generated at the circuit.
x lower our energy consumption, for example by upgrading machinery and appliances to highest efficiency standards during the next 5 years.
x (if financially visible) choose environmental and sustainable products in both, the workshop and office, every time orders are made from 2024.
x increase staff training on how to use materials efficiently and reduce material waste in the next 2 years.
x reduce our water usage especially at the circuit by 30 %, latest by 2026.
x raise awareness with the event organisers with regards to ground and water pollution and try to increase spill kit availability for larger oil and fuel spillages in the paddock during the 2024 season.
The above objectives will be monitored and enforced by manager and environmental officer Melanie Derflinger.
This sustainability policy and the achievement of the established goals will be reviewed periodically.
We ask for everyone´s collaboration in order to be successful in this commitment to sustainability.
View our sustainability policy here.
Your feedback is important to us. To get in touch, click here: T SPORT BERNAU CONTACT