We are happy to announce that Antonio Albacete is all set to participate in this year’s #onetruckfamily eSports challenge!
Starting with the “Beat the Pro” challenge - which means our fans can download from tomorrow onwards the truck racing sim game and try to beat the “Pros” lap times – including a time set by Antonio at his home circuit Jarama. To download the instructions, please follow this link: http://fiaetrc.com/.../eSpo.../Beat_the_Pro_instructions.pdf
In January we will return to the normal format of the ETRC digital racing challenge. 4 events with 8 races are planned. The race programme will be the same as last year, but this year, also professional sim races will be joining the grid!
The eSports challenge will finish off with a Grand Final, in which the best truck racers will battle it out against the best pro sim racers!
All events will be broadcast live across the ETRC social media platforms, including the official YouTube channel, Facebook and official website.
